Faerie Tale Theater (Season 4)

It's not over yet! This fantabulous series of tales for kids and comedy for adults continues with: The Three Little Pigs starts it off with comedy gold: the late, great Fred Willard as Paul Pig, Stephen Furst as Peter Pig. and "Mahvelous" Billy Crystal as Larry Pig- three hilarious goofballs only to be outdone by … Continue reading Faerie Tale Theater (Season 4)

Faerie Tale Theatre (Season 2)

The second season of this marvelous series features a great set of actors doing their best to subvert the fairy tale genre with sharp dialogue and clever asides while remaining a perfectly respectable kids' show: Rapunzel stars Shelley Duvall in the lead role, with Jeff Bridges abiding as the Prince.... and the brilliant Gena Rowlands … Continue reading Faerie Tale Theatre (Season 2)