The Man Who Loved Women

Right now, our culture is so concentrated on the idea of challenging and expanding previous concepts of gender in order to make it more inclusive for those on the margins, that it's hard to imagine a movie called The Man Who Loved Women having much relevance today. And yet, that's why this movie is so … Continue reading The Man Who Loved Women

La Maladie de Sachs

The French filmmaker Michel Deville, recently deceased, left a quirky body of work that will probably never garner the grandiose praise of his more famous contemporaries, or capture the zeitgeist of his era. And still, it would be a shame if we forgot his films as time went on, for they portray contemporary life in … Continue reading La Maladie de Sachs

L’Éducation Sentimentale (Sentimental Education)

When I first read Gustave Flaubert's gorgeously melancholic Sentimental Education, I was struck by how modern it felt for something written in 1869 (and taking place in the 1840's.) His protagonist, Frédéric, feels like the original Emo poster child from which all young, disillusioned and weepy icons have sprung. From Morrissey and the Smiths to … Continue reading L’Éducation Sentimentale (Sentimental Education)

Les Oiseaux de Passage (Birds of Passage)

It's not often you find a great film that is truly meant for all ages and works; most kids' films these days are a formulaic combination of a dumbed-down plot (the assumption being that kids can't handle anything more complex) and a tacked-on moral about believing in yourself, with a bunch of pop-culture references to … Continue reading Les Oiseaux de Passage (Birds of Passage)

Le Roi et l’Oiseau (The Curious Adventures of Mr. Wonderbird)

"The King and the Bird" is the literal translation of this animated masterpiece by Paul Grimault, considered the greatest animated French film by some, and the greatest of any country ever by others. It has had many titles: The King and the Mockingbird, The King and Mr. Bird, Mr Bird to the Rescue and Adventures … Continue reading Le Roi et l’Oiseau (The Curious Adventures of Mr. Wonderbird)