Gahan Wilson’s The Kid

Usually what happens is this: a cartoonist develops a unique style of writing and drawing, and they create their own universe that has its own sensibility- one with characters that could only exist in this place and come out of this person's mind; a logic that's all their own. The art style is instantly recognizable, … Continue reading Gahan Wilson’s The Kid

Mr. and Mrs. is the Name

The great Fritz Freleng's proto-Looney Tunes work, like so many early cartoons, is pretty insane by today's standards. The fluid animation where no one ever seems to stand still, the whoops and zaniness and barely-contained sexuality... it's like cartoons were the place adults could examine their wilder, animalistic side in civilized company, while the rest … Continue reading Mr. and Mrs. is the Name

Le Roi et l’Oiseau (The Curious Adventures of Mr. Wonderbird)

"The King and the Bird" is the literal translation of this animated masterpiece by Paul Grimault, considered the greatest animated French film by some, and the greatest of any country ever by others. It has had many titles: The King and the Mockingbird, The King and Mr. Bird, Mr Bird to the Rescue and Adventures … Continue reading Le Roi et l’Oiseau (The Curious Adventures of Mr. Wonderbird)

Allegro Non Troppo

Debussy, Dvorak, Ravel, Sibelius, Stravinsky, and Vivaldi all get to see their masterpieces turned into bawdy, earthy satire in Allegro Non Troppo, Brono Bozzetto's very Italian sendup of Fantasia. That pretty much says it all; the great Maurizio Nichetti plays "the Animator" to a pretentious Conductor, a hack Producer and an orchestra full of Old … Continue reading Allegro Non Troppo

Jekabs, Mimmi un Runajosie Suni (Jacob, Mimmi and the Talking Dogs)

Here's the thing about American animated children's films: they suck. They're all the same- Pixar, Disney, Dreamworks, it doesn't matter- every single thing they crank out follows the same tired plots, the same generic "spunky" protagonists, the same watered-down hero's quest, the same, the same, the same. Whether it's 3D animation or hand-drawn 2D, whether … Continue reading Jekabs, Mimmi un Runajosie Suni (Jacob, Mimmi and the Talking Dogs)

The Wizard of Speed and Time

It's hard to say how this film will be perceived by a modern audience- it's hokey, low-budget, geeky, dorky, and very, very 80's, full of "wah-wah" puns and overly ridiculous acting. It's also the most pure, heartfelt, and inspiring testament to making movie magic that I've ever seen, a truly 100% independent American production, written, … Continue reading The Wizard of Speed and Time