Mr. and Mrs. is the Name

The great Fritz Freleng's proto-Looney Tunes work, like so many early cartoons, is pretty insane by today's standards. The fluid animation where no one ever seems to stand still, the whoops and zaniness and barely-contained sexuality... it's like cartoons were the place adults could examine their wilder, animalistic side in civilized company, while the rest … Continue reading Mr. and Mrs. is the Name

Creating Rem Lezar

Loving bad movies ironically is a national pastime worthy of academic study. Why do we do it? Is it the same impulse that gets us to rubberneck when driving past a horrible car accident? Are we taking delight in someone's artistic shortcomings, or are we celebrating the power of the human spirit- the fact that … Continue reading Creating Rem Lezar

Hoshikuzu Kyôdai No Densetsu (The Legend of the Stardust Brothers)

So, Osamu Tezuka is basically the godfather of modern manga, and arguably the greatest manga artists in history. I mean, his comics- from Astroboy to Buddha- are brilliant and influential. His storytelling techniques have been copied a million times over by pretty much everyone else, and he could pretty much do anything he wanted and … Continue reading Hoshikuzu Kyôdai No Densetsu (The Legend of the Stardust Brothers)