What drives a person to make a film? A painting, a photo, even a book- these pieces take time and effort, but they're a singular task of one person, one canvas, one camera, one pen. But making a movie- even a bad one- is a gargantuan task that takes everything you've got: all your money, … Continue reading 12

The Man Who Loved Women

Right now, our culture is so concentrated on the idea of challenging and expanding previous concepts of gender in order to make it more inclusive for those on the margins, that it's hard to imagine a movie called The Man Who Loved Women having much relevance today. And yet, that's why this movie is so … Continue reading The Man Who Loved Women

Electric Boogaloo: the Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films

Anyone who remembers renting VHS movies at a local video store has, at some point in their life, asked themselves how certain movies sitting on that shelf ever got made. Even the crappiest movie you can think of cost so much time and money just to reach completion, and the mind boggles as it grapples … Continue reading Electric Boogaloo: the Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films