The Star Wars Holiday Special

Yes, you've probably heard of this thing: "the worst piece of television ever made," disowned by George Lucas himself, an embarrassment only aired once. The Star Wars Holiday Special is universally hated by all... unless you actually alive as a kid in 1978- an innocent, true-blue fan of the Force, who only a year or … Continue reading The Star Wars Holiday Special

Tři oříšky pro Popelku (Three Wishes for Cinderella)

Americans have A Christmas Story to enjoy every Holiday season- a bland and milquetoast Hallmark-quality movie if there ever was one- but for Europeans (at least Eastern Europeans) that tradition falls squarely on the shoulders of Tři oříšky pro Popelku, a 1973 Czech classic that's mostly not about Christmas, actually- but Cinderella. But this is … Continue reading Tři oříšky pro Popelku (Three Wishes for Cinderella)

Pee Wee’s Playhouse: The Christmas Special

What can be said about the greatest TV Christmas Special in history, other than it's criminally unavailable to stream? Like everything else in Paul Reubens' post-modern regurgitation of 1960's Americana and children's television, the Christmas Special simultaneously embraces and ridicules the world of celebrity-packed TV specials. It's hard to appreciate just how brilliant and forward-thinking … Continue reading Pee Wee’s Playhouse: The Christmas Special