Murders in the Zoo

File this one under "You Can't Make Movies Like This Anymore." 1933's Murders in the Zoo, directed by Edward Sutherland, is a pre-code, proto-horror story about a sadistic zoologist named Eric Gorman (Lionel Atwill) who seems to have no problem killing any of his wife Evelyn's lovers through some pretty vicious methods. One might have … Continue reading Murders in the Zoo

Heavenly Creatures

Peter Jackson's many obsessions includes Hobbits, World Wars and the Fab Four, but his greatest artistic achievement, and one of the best movies to come out of the 90's, is undoubtedly Heavenly Creatures, a masterful blend of horror, fantasy, and friendship. It's a rare and surprising achievement; Jackson had, until now, only made schlocky, gory, … Continue reading Heavenly Creatures

Dellamorte, Dellamore (aka Cemetery Man)

If early Peter Jackson or Evil Dead II is your jam, and / or you appreciate the overly stylized visuals of Italian filmmakers like Fellini and Dario Argento, then there's really no argument: Michele Soavi's Dellamorte Dellamore is mandatory viewing. With a ridiculous- I mean, completely bonkers- storyline that conveniently weaves in gorgeous women and … Continue reading Dellamorte, Dellamore (aka Cemetery Man)